Cheapest global FREE test iptv account provider
Cheapest global FREE test ip tv account provider
Li-ve event P P V, 24/7 continuous TV sh ows.
How To Use Reseller IP TV Panel
With IP TV Reseller Panel , As long as you have credits in a panel account ,
You can fully manage your customer such as disable a user , kick a user ,change the password of a user , manage MAC device and motoring user .
To raise evenue , you can decide the price of credits when you sell it to your customers .
Creat Test Code For 72 Hours Free Trial To Check All The Ch annels
How to generate Monthly code (1/3/6/12 month .with&without adult )
IP TV Compatiable With M*G Box, Firestick ,Android Box ,Telefon,Apple TV etc.
Most Popular questions asked by users are answered.
1.What is IP TV reseller ?
IP TV Reseller means re selling the IP TV from main IP TV Providers panel to your local or online clients. We will provide you a control panel (which is very easy), with that you can easily create trials,manage users and sell premium subscription. Each line on this panel will cost you very less than normal subscription,You can also get a free trial for 72 Std.
2.How to be a reseller?
You need get a panel with 100 credits order
3. Do you offer 1,3,6 und 12 month code?
4.Do you offer life time subscription?
5.Why a few channels not working?
Its normal situation for IP TV,Please let us know which channels not working,we will deal with it as soon as possible
7.What’s the Credits?
Credits is a symbol,1 Credit=1 month,2.5 credits=3 motnh,4 credits=6 month,6 credits=12 month
8.A panel can make life time code?
9.Do you offer customization?
10. Which payment options we offer
Paypal and Wester Union