Marine Thermal Camera Long Range HD Electro Optical Infrared Camera with Laser range finder
IR370A combines high resolution thermal camera with visual camera, laser dazzler, laser illuminator and other multi-sensor (Geographisches Positionierungs System,radar,compass) to meet various requirements such as targets searching and tracking. MarinIR is designed for the harsh maritime environment and can observe and recorde in the day and night.

1) Modularized design.
2) Ultra-stable accuracy.
3) Round-the-clock.
4) Function expand.
5) Excellent protection performance

China Classification Society
This product has the Chinese classification society authentication, the formidable thermal imaging function as well as the stable reliable maneuverability.

Operation Interface

Wuhan Guide Sensmart Tech Co.,Ltd.
is the subsidiary corporation of Wuhan Guide Infrared Co.,Ltd.
No.6 Huanglongshan South Rd,Wuhan,430205,P.R.China
T +86-27-81298335

Zusätzliche Information
Herkunftsort: | China |
Markenname: | GUIDE |
Modellnummer: | IR370 |
Sensor: | CCD |
Besondere Merkmale: | Wasserdicht / Wetterfest |
Video Compression Format: | H.264 |
style: | uncooled |
Detector: | 800X600/17μm |
lens: | 30mm~90mm or120mm,145mm |
FOV: | 10.36°x8.30° |
Detect: | 22km for vehicle |
Identify: | 15km for vehicle |
stablization: | 0.2mrad |
Video output: | Visible&thermal |
radar&Geographisches Positionierungs System: | RS422 |
Gewicht: | 30kg~65kg |