
Garlic Powder dried garlic low garlic price



Dehydrated Garlic Flakes & Powder

Garlic powder is ground, dehydrated garlic.

It is a very common seasoning. Applications include pasta, pizza, and grilled chicken.
Garlic salt is simply salt plus garlic powder. (Pre-made products usually include an anti-caking agent.)
Garlic powder is a common component of spice mix. It is also a common component of seasoned salt.

Granulated and powdered garlic are used to season and enhance the flavor of many foods. Often it is an appropriate substitute when fresh garlic is called for in a recipe. Powdered garlic dissolves almost instantly when incorporated into any dish, hot or cold. Granulated garlic takes a few minutes to become incorporated and release its flavor.

We can offer Garlic Granules in 0.5mm to 1.0mm, 40/60 malha, 26/40 malha

  • 20 FCL: 10 Mt (Flakes/Cloves), 14-15 Mt (Minced/Granules/Powder)
  • 40 FCL H/C: 20 Mt (Flakes/Cloves), 25-30 Mt (Minced/Granules/Powder)

Our range includes:

  • Dehydrated Garlic Flakes/Cloves (5-10milímetros)
  • Dehydrated Garlic Minced (1-3milímetros, 3-5milímetros)
  • Dehydrated Garlic Granules (G1, G2, G3)
  • Dehydrated Garlic Powder (80-100 malha)

powdered garlic are used to season and enhance the flavor of many foods. Often it is an appropriate substitute when fresh garlic is called for in a recipe. Powdered garlic dissolves almost instantly when incorporated into any dish, hot or cold. Granulated garlic takes a few minutes to become incorporated and release its flavor.

SpicesOleoresinEssential oilFood Colors
Extrato de ervaArrozPulsesCereals
Dehydrated VegetableSoybeanRaisinPeanut
VitaminasCocoaPotato FlakesDesiccated Coconut
Physical appearenceFree from dead or life insects,droppings,sand,stone,defects etc
Total count of bacteria≤ 3.0*10^5cfu/g
Coliform 1.0*10 ³MPN/100g
Validade12 months in normal temp; 24 months under 20 ℃
Storage conditionSealed in dry, cold, à prova d'água & ventilated conditions
Analysis testsAnalysis test results on quality available if needed
  • The unmatched quality and high purity has made our Dehydrated Garlic highly demanded in the market
  • The Dehydrated Garlic, offered by us, is processed using optimum quality garlic and advanced processing techniques.
  • Adicionalmente, customers are eased with the availability of the Dehydrated Garlic hygienically packed free from adulterants and

Informação adicional





Tipo de Produto:

Liliaceous Vegetabless

Tipo de Cultivo:


Tamanho (cm):


Peso (kg):


Lugar de origem:

África do Sul


Dehydrated Garlic